Any physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual behavior exhibited by one of the members in an intimate relationship to control the person.
Dating violence is a pattern of behaviors one person uses to maintain power and control over their partner. Many people assume abuse means that physical violence is happening, but that’s not always the case. Abuse comes in many forms. Remember, each type of abuse is serious, and no one deserves to experience abuse of any kind. Photos from Our 2020 Teen Summit.
As a result, victims may experience depression or anxiety. They may adopt unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drugs, or alcohol consumption. Victims may begin lying, stealing, or lashing out physically. Some even develop suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
Teen Dating Violence is more common than most people believe. One in 11 young women and one in 15 young men, in the high school age range, report experiencing physical dating violence in the last year. 26% of women and 15% of men, who were victims of sexual contact, physical violence, or were stalked by an intimate partner, first experienced these or other forms of violence by that partner before the age of 18.
See for more information.
Call the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline at 866-331-9474 or TTY 866-331-8453.